Instagram New Co-Watching Feature: Viewing Posts over Video Chats with Friends

The new co-watching feature introduced on Instagram helps socialize in a social distancing scenario. Here is an overview of how it works and what it is.
Instagram has launched a new feature called Co-Watching on Tuesday, which allows the users to scroll down to the apps with relatives and friends while chatting over video calls. The new function has been improved to encourage people to stay at home and socialize themselves through online sources. The introduction of such a new feature will help the people to connect and remain in touch with friends and relatives amid the widespread health issue emergency. It is worth noting here that the countries are encouraging their people to stay at home and keep social distancing as this is the only option left with them to fight against the emergency health outbreak scenario.
The new feature of Instagram, Co-Watching, helps allow the users to check the liked, saved, and suggested videos and chats together engaged in video chat. The introduction of the new video chat feature by Facebook and Instagram could be seen as a broader effort to support the people and users along with a large number of communities to fight against the ongoing scenario and stay at home. An interview given by Mark Zuckerberg last week said that the company is determined to encourage people to take the orders of social distancing seriously, and they are willing to play a role in helping people for social distancing in every way. Now, when people are searching for the means of socializing while staying at home, then the introduction of Co-Watching will help the people to accept the reality of self-isolation while entertaining themselves.
Apart from Co-Watching, several other video chat apps are also witnessing a massive surge in usages such as Zoom and Skype; however, the incidents of Zoombombing has also increased. Additionally, some other new services are also providing and launching ways to chat and arrange meetings online while working from home. For instance, the latest desktop appa for facilitating video calls along with providing multi-tasking dealing with the background problems, is also gaining popularity among the users. Looking over the launching of several video chat apps by the companies, the launching of Co-Watching could also be seen in the same context. Instagram explained the launching of a new feature of co-watching in a blog post and further mentioned the various updates along with the improvements in the new features. According to the blog post of Instagram, the new feature will show the message linking it to WHO whenever searching for any information regarding the current health issue outbreak. Also, the users can view stickers always reminding them to wash their hands frequently, practicing social distancing, and donating to the NGOs.
You Can now Chat on Video Calls and Browse Together on Instagram
The users can start their chatting on video calls by clicking on the icon of video chat. The users can also invite multiple people to join the video chat by clicking on the video chat icon in the inbox. Further, when the video chat starts, the users will see the icon of posts visible at the screen bottom displaying the lists of content or posts they have liked, shared, or suggested. The users can share the posts with other participants also who are involved in the video chat by selecting the content from the list. Apart from using this new feature of Instagram, the users can also opt to try the Houseparty app, which is also famous and launched during the ongoing health outbreak to promote social distancing.
Devin Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security and utility software programes. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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