Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Update 1.11 Patch Notes and Fixes

With the increasing fame of the Warhammer: Vermintide 2, developers have released a new patch for users to enjoy. It is one of the finest action genre video game that is developed and published by Fatshark. It is available for every significant platform like Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows. So, here is the full breakdown of Update 1.11 Warhammer: Vermintide 2 patch notes along with fixes. 
General Fixes and Tweaks
  • Solved several UI stings.
  • Solved bugs where the host notice the backstab sign when NPC is being backstabbed.
  • Introduced Qucikplay weaves for bots.
  • Introduced field of view slider.
  • A number of crash fixes.
  • Solved combat wizard career ability leave fire trace when the gamer travels further. Solved fire trace as it will not appear when a gamer jumps.
  • Troubleshoot for an error where the NPCs would be despawned before the entering gamers changed them.
  • Solved an error where opponents utilizing combination moves like Plague Monk that would not face their enemy.
  • Solved a bug where completion of the cage breaker mission occurs when having lots of opponents alive on against the Grain.
  • Solution for lost localization for available paintings.
  • Troubleshoot for hordes appearing without any horde ambiance and music.
  • Upgrades to primarily targeting ambush and horde spawning.
  • Chaos ambush horde and beastmen music trigger now way before the indication given to the gamer when they are about to appear.
  • Troubleshoot for gamers being placed into battles without selecting hero, resulting in gamers joining matches with wrong hero selection.
  • Solved a bug where bots were taking damage even when they are being teleported to a squadmate.
  • Upgrades for opponent considerations to combats and try hyperdensity.
  • Chaos horde ambiance and beastmen have been modified to a similar effect.
  • Opponents, notably the Rat Ogre and Chaos Spawn, will nudge gamers slowly who end up within the opponent’s unit, through a cloak ability expiration or any other reasons. This solves conditions where opponent AI could not harm the gamer who stood inside their area.
  • Modifies the backstab button to calculate on users rather than the server.
  • Troubleshoot for firebombs not working even when they are thrown onto the fire, but applying dots now for opponents to aware of them.
  • Upgrades all hidden spawners on every level to fight and try face spawning errors.
  • Upgrades for how sweeps are being calculated, such as 1h swords, Sienna and Kruber, Kerillian, Dual wield dagger, spears, and shield, dual wield swords, swords, and spears.
  • Troubleshoot for an error where the “Ride Together, Die Together” achievement could not be accomplished on a problematic level, “Legend.”
  • Solved an issue where Bulwark’s Talent caused the bonus damage to opponents that player applied stagger in a ranged attack. Now, only the melee attacks can affect.
  • Introduced Block/Push angle to use melee weapons.
  • Troubleshoot for Bardian’s hammer missing sound.
  • Modified beastmen climb up and jump timers to decrease snappiness.
  • A bug occurred that does not show a selected option properly in the game.
  • Solved a lost sound on Kerillian’s Spear and shield.
  • Fixed a bug to minimize the chances of attaining Phantom Sweeps while accessing the game at low or high FPS.
  • Overhauled the voices to improvise opponent individual awareness.  
  • Solved an exploit with Slayer’s Leap and firewalk that allows few substantial items to be thrown away.
  • Removed Warpfire Thrower and spawned stingers for Ratling Gunner.
  • Solved a few conditions where patrols spawned near the gamer.
  • Troubleshot for Gutter Runner behavior’s case that seemed to be a conversation between assassin edges and rats in geometry or terrain.
  • Solved a bug where Chaos hero could attack users sometimes when they were too close near them while performing overhead cleave move.
  • Skittergate: NPCs should behave now a little bit better near the ledges while escaping.
  • Athel Yehlui: Troubleshoot for sticky handful locations.
  • Skittergate: Solved a Skippergate case.
  • Skittergate: Troubleshoot for several sticky locations and AI navigations.
  • Skittergate: Solved a cliff-edge that had no heroes and hangledge who fell as there were merely instantly killed.
  • Tweaked the final mission’s events such as Engines of War, Convocations of Decay, Righteous Stand, Skittergate, The Screaming Bell, Fort Barkenborken, and Garden of Morr.
  • Ceremonial Dagger: Serious hit one chains move slightly faster into serious blow two levels.
  • Bardin: Dual Axes push combo move.
  • Bardin and Markus: Greathammer.
  • Sienna: Flaming claw and sword attack.
  • Longbow: Enhanced light attack of headshot damage.
  • Bardin and Sienna: Flame thrower severe attacks.
  • Longbow: Enhanced charged attack of body shot damage vs. Berserker-class opponent.
  • Swiftbow: Enhanced charged attack of headshot damage.
  • Hagbane: Removed charged shot on projectile penetration to make poison cloud.
  • Bardin and Markus: Heavy shield attack slams.
  • Kerillian: Hagbane blow damage.  
  • Sienna: Easily able to apply the burning effect on both the target location and the start location. 
  • Markus Kruber: Solved a bug where his talent could not use even gamer has selected Enhanced Training option.
  • Kerillian: Modified invisibility buff option to indicate that he is under the vanish effect.
  • Bolt Staff: Solved an error where the level second spear charge has less impact than level one and three.
Devin Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding norton.com/setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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