Hidden Amazon Echo Features You Don’t Know About
You can ask the Amazon Echo to do common things, including control the smart home devices, play music or make you laugh. However, Alexa has many more skills than you think and you can learn about them here. Here are 6 hidden Amazon Echo features you must know about. Alexa Can Locate the Keys That Have Gone Missing When you reach home, it is easy to place the keys without noticing. Although the time that you spent to locate the keys can be annoying. But no issues as you can utilize Alexa to discover the keys while you are in a rush. You have to connect the RFID device to the keychain then connect it with the Alexa. Other options are to set the keys down anywhere or instantly trigger the Echo so that you know where you have situated it. Alexa Can Chat With Dogs and Cats Concerned about the fuzzy friends when you are out? Alexa can entertain them when you are away. You have to download the skill in the Alexa app like Meow for cats and Woof for dogs. The Alexa acts as the virtu...