Microsoft Surpasses “Trillion Dollar” In Financial evaluation

Microsoft became the third American brand ever to touch the $1 trillion mark which has laid the company to unimaginable heights. Last week Microsoft unveiled its 2018 earnings which boosted the company shares to cross the 1 trillion mark.
 While the company was revealing its yearly sales for 2018, a significant jump was observed in the price rate of Microsoft shares. This sudden influx in the price of the company shares resulted in a tremendous upward trend in the share which passed the total worth of the company to $1 trillion marks.
Later on, the share rates again dropped down which resulted in the drop in the net worth of Microsoft to $995 billion. Still, this was the first time in the history of Microsoft that its net worth surpassed the $1 trillion mark. 
Such a fate is only witnessed by only the other two companies namely Apple and Amazon. Shockingly enough both the brands failed to beat the earnings of Microsoft for the gone 2018 as Apple market value currently stands at $973.2 billion and Amazon has $942.8 billion as its total stock prize.
Clearly, Microsoft has managed to beat both of its rivals with a margin and with it’s new Xbox next-gen coming soon to market the current standing could easily be repeated for the financial year 2019.
Reportedly Microsoft’s Xbox One made a significant impact in the boost of the share price of the company as players the company filings suggest that the sales of games and consoles alone made 12% profit, which indicates that the gaming domain is one of the critical profit building sources for the brand.
Moreover, many experts have reported that an immediate boost in the share price of Microsoft was due to the declaration of the 2018 earnings. About 19% jump in prices was observed during the unveiling of the 2018 financial gains.
Prominently Microsoft can repeat this fate for the financial year 2019 as it has an exclusive line up of next-gen gaming consoles under development and for sure it would also pottery some hard fell challenges for Sony as it is also planning to release it’s PlayStation 5.
Microsoft has been around for quite some time but with crossing the $1 trillion mark is a remarkable achievement in itself, but the major challenge for the brand is now to sustain this success in the coming future.
Let’s see what more will Microsoft come up with for its various product users as the brand avails a number of utilities for its subscribers. Such features range from YouTube, Hangout, Google, Windows and much more so it would be quite exciting to witness that what more can Microsoft do to improve on their revenue in the future.
Devin Smith is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Devin has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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