The Top 5 Gaming Phones for 2019

This list will help you find gaming specific mobile phones that are designed to take on the challenges offered from superior gaming. Let’s have a look at these devices that are gaming powerhouses.

1. Razer Phone 2
The Razer Phone 2 is the ultimate gem in the mine of best gaming phones. It adorns a 5.7-inch display which runs superficial graphics and does an HDR as well. This thing of beauty will compensate for all the flaws that you may find in it with its quality of resolution. The display runs in a 16:9 aspect ratio and runs any game you stick on it with the help of the superfast Snapdragon 845 processor. The Dolby Atmos sound is another nice feature which provides lucent sound.
The battery capacity and endurance are commendable with 4000 mAh power and 10+ hours of usage time, along with dash charging capability. So, anyone who is a fan of gaming on phones, this device packs in gaming specifics along with all other phone functions.
2. Apple iPhone XS Max
The Apple iPhone XS Max comes with the largest display and the biggest price tag of all iPhones. It has a 6.5-inch display with edgeless and smooth body finish, which makes it a dream phone for gamers. The price tag may come in the way for some fans, who would also ridicule the non-flexibility of iOS devices as compared to Android. The inbuilt hardware allows it to run any of the gaming titles you stick to it, though, almost all of them are from the Apple Store. The iPhone XS Max is the best option to choose over a small screen or the iPad- thanks to its big screen and incredible OLED display.
3. Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus
The Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus is a powerhouse device that has a blazing Snapdragon 845 processor, superior screen size and picture quality. Its AMOLED display casts a feasting display, that mouth waters the viewers with its vibrancy of even dark shades. It will run anything you feed to it- resourceful games like Fortnite or racing games. Galaxy S9 phone has extensive storage, and its sound quality is also crystal clear.
Heavy gaming may force gamers to charge it after a few hours, but that can be compensated with its incredible features, preferably one of the best in Android-centric platform.
4. Sony Xperia XZ2
Sony is already a legendary manufacturer of the PlayStation series, which is the hammer of the Thor in the gaming world. The Sony Xperia XZ2 takes the legacy of Sony’s superior sound quality and performance to a new level. It provides impressive performance and display that comes supported with a Snapdragon 845 processor. The front-facing dual speakers coupled with Dynamic Vibration System do away with the need of having to plug in earphones, delivering a gaming experience similar to playing on a console.
5. Google Pixel 3 XL
Google Pixel 3 XL fulfills all the requirement of a perfect Android device; after all, it is the product of Google which is its creator. The Pixel camera is incredible, it beats the performance of the iPhone camera. And its OLED screen packs in superior display which delivers a picture quality which is eye-feasting. If money is not a hurdle and you want an ultimate gaming experience on an Android stock phone, then Pixel 3 Xl is the best option.
Devin Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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